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Most importantly—the bill should be placed next to you in a cup-like container bin similar to the one in the photo below. Every time you order a new drink, a new—or updated bill goes in the container. Any amount of change will also be returned inside the folder. Should you leave a tip at bars in Pattaya? Ringing the bell at bars in Thailand Why do bars in Thailand have a bell placed over the bar?

You should ring the bell ONLY if you want to buy drinks for everyone in the bar, that means all the staff, all the customers. The wooden penis attached to the bell in the photo below is also a lucky charm. Recommendations What is the best eCommerce platform for an online store? In answer to what is the best eCommerce platform for an online store, there are many. However, the most simple to set up as a standalone store or to integrate into an existing site including Facebook is Ecwid.

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