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In these cases, network configuration information, including security settings and policies, will not be accessed.

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Customers may remove Support s access to a network entirely by selecting "Prevent Meraki support from viewing this organization" in the Dashboard. Once checked, Support will not be able to access any aspect of the network.

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Customers will need to uncheck this box if technical assistance is required. Meraki has no support-specific licensing. Customers may open an unlimited number of support cases with the purchase of any device license, and can contact Meraki by phone or email. Service providers and resellers who offer fully managed network services using Meraki devices likewise may open an unlimited number of support cases and interact directly with Meraki support centers.

End customers Emergency support is offered exclusively via telephone to ensure that Meraki engineers can conduct appropriate troubleshooting and technical response.

Meraki Support Paradigm All customers have an explicit support owner at all times. All legitimate support requests are the responsibility of Cisco Meraki Support until closure, unless there is explicit agreement between Meraki Support and the customer to transfer management of the case to another party. Unless discussed and agreed to by Cisco Meraki Support, all customer support communication flows through the Cisco Meraki Support Team.

This ensures: Proper case management and recording Proper follow up is achieved throughout case lifecycle Customer satisfaction is the responsibility of the Cisco Meraki Support Team. If a case is reassigned to another Meraki resource, or a Cisco Meraki authorized reseller, Cisco Meraki reserves the right to expect timely response from that party or Meraki Support may intervene to ensure customer satisfaction.

Privacy The Cisco Meraki cloud management platform provides Support engineers with rich visibility into customer networks, resulting in faster diagnosis and resolution of cases. Our policies, outlined below, ensure that customer information is only accessed with prior consent, for the purposes of resolving a support case.

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Support will not view customers network configuration without prior consent Support will not modify customers network without prior consent On rare occasions, support may view network status without prior notice to identify and diagnose system-wide issues.

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